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Master Power - Industrial Power Tools

26/02/2014 - 04:03 PM

Value. Performance. Delivery. Master Power Since 1939.

Since our founding in 1939, Master Power has been producing quality air tools for a complete range of industrial applications.
Today, that tradition of quality continues. As always, performance, innovative design, ergonomics, special alloys for critical parts, hand assembly, meticulous quality control – continues to contribute to the Master Power reputation for superbly crafted, durable air tools. A real value leader.
Customer Service – The Real Value
With products of such superior quality, it’s no great challenge to make a sale. The real challenge is providing the courteous treatment, prompt delivery and a full inventory of parts that customers expect. This task is accomplished at Master Power by one of the largest service networks in the industry where “service after the sale” is not just an afterthought.
More than just fast local delivery!
■ Your Master Power Distributor maintains a constantly replenished warehouse... a single, convenient source of supply that acts as your tool storehouse.
■ Your shipping costs are lower because the shipping point is nearby.
■ You deal with people who know your industry as well as their own.
■ Distributor salesmen are trained in the proper use and application of power tools. They are qualified to help you select the right tool for the job.
■ You get quick service, catalog and price information, tools and parts, warranty administration, technical help and so much more.
■ You get a lot more than just quality power tools when you buy from your Master Power distributor.