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Ingersoll-Rand... The Tools You Need To Succeed

10/12/2012 - 10:52 AM

Racing Heritage Makes IR Tools The Power On Pit Road
Race teams and their pit crews have relied on the power, speed, and durability of Ingersoll-Rand tools throughout the 50+ year history of NASCAR, and other racing series as well. Whether you're engaged in the frantic precision of a 16-second, four tire pit stop, or the everyday complexities of automotive service, IR Tools meet the ultimate test of performance.
All IR tools share a racing heritage pioneered by the ThunderGun air impact wrench, and its predecessors. Designed and built specifically for tire changing applications within racing, it complements the instincts of the fastest tire changers by delivering an almost instantaneous blow of torque that removes lug nuts with incredible speed, and retightens them with equally starting precision. It's based on our commercial impact wrenches, which incorporate the same quality of engineering, materials, and craftsmanship. While the ThunderGun is intended for the select few who require absolute speed and power, you can benefit from the same dedication to performance with every tool addressed in our website.