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Cleco - Screwdrivers

09/05/2013 - 07:23 PM

A tradition of quality is built into every screwdriver.

Cleco screwdrivers have long been recognized as the assembly tool standard against which all other brands are measured. With over 100 years of precision manufacturing experience built into each tool, Cleco screwdrivers provide users the ultimate in light and medium duty assembly tool performance.

Clecos long standing tradition of service to the customer has led us to develop an extensive line of screwdrivers with configurations to suit a broad range of applications. Options including multiple reversing methods, different clutch styles, numerous handle alternatives, and a wide variety of accessories provide the building blocks for tool configurations designed to meet our customers unique assembly application requirements.

The Cleco 2 series of inline Clecomatic screwdrivers offer dependable repetitive torque accuracy from .5 to 8 in.-lbs., ideal for miniature assemblies often found in extra light-duty electronics assembly using #0 to #5 screws.

In the light to medium duty assembly tool market, the ergonomically designed Cleco 19 series screwdrivers, with a torque range of 0.6 to 130 in.-lbs., are the ultimate tools for an infinite range of applications including electronics, automotive, aerospace, appliance and general assembly.

With a torque range of 15 to 180 in.-lbs (1.7 to 20Nm), the 8 & 88 series Cleco screwdrivers cover the gamut of medium duty assembly applications ranging from lawn and garden equipment to small recreational vehicles, and even aerospace.

Capable of running down fasteners as large as 5/16 (M6), the Cleco 35 series screwdrivers are the true workhorses of the medium to heavy-duty screw assembly market.