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Choose the right tool to match your application

26/02/2014 - 02:27 PM

Choose the right tool to match your application.

New Clecomatic® Clutch
Clecomatic® Clutch
When tightening a fastener, torque is transmitted through the Clecomatic clutch to the fastener until the clutch can no longer transmit the increasing torque. The clutch then “slips”, which allows an internal mechanism to seal off air to the air motor, shutting off the tool at the user-adjusted preset torque level. This type of torque control allows maximum RPM from the tool for increased productivity. Since the tool doesn’t dwell
on the fastener as with a stall tool, tool wear and fatigue to the operator is reduced. The life of a Clecomatic tool is up to five times longer than that of a lever-operated, ratcheting clutch screwdriver.

Stall Type
Stall Type
The stall tool doesn’t use a clutch but rather the output
spindle is coupled to the last stage of gearing. Torque output
from a stall tool may be controlled within fairly reasonable
limits with an air pressure regulator. Stall type tools are also
trigger activated.