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Số người đang online: 3

Tổng lượt truy cập: 1095098

Air Starters 3BMG/5BMG


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For engine displacement of: Diesel–up to 500 CID (8 liters)
Carburated–up to 1000 CID (16 liters)
• All models sealed for use in air or gas applications
• Inertia drive for fast, reliable starts
• Compact, inline design
• 9.5 hp motor on 5BMG; 8.4 hp motor on 3BMG
• Back ports for injection lubricating
• 4 inlet, 4 exhaust, and 12 drive housing orientations
• Fits a wide range of small and medium size engines
• 90-150 psi (6.2-10.3 bars) operation
Industry applications ideal for the 3BM/5BM Series starters: oil and gas production, shipping, trucking.

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