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Tổng lượt truy cập: 1112511

Air Starters ST500


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For engine displacement of: Diesel–300 to 6,000 CID (5 to 100 liters)
Carburated–600 to 12,000 CID (10 to 200 liters)

• Powerful 44 hp turbine motor uses no external lubrication
• Splined output shaft allows for smooth torque transmission
• Sealed for air and gas applications
• Steel insert at inlet ensures a solid connection
• Smooth pre-engagement piston minimizes ring gear wear
• Left- or right-hand rotation available
• 30-150 (2.1-10.3 bars) psi operation
• Optional pinions and flanges for any engine
Industry applications ideal for the ST500 Series starters: oil and gas, marine, power-gen, and transportation.

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