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Số người đang online: 81

Tổng lượt truy cập: 1112616

ST700/ST900 Inertia


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For engine displacement of: Diesel–1000 to 20,000 CID (16 to 320 liters)
Carburated–2000 to 40,000 CID (32 to 660 liters)
• Robust gearing handles extended crank cycles
• Sealed for use in gas and air applications
• Powerful 64 hp turbine motor uses no external lubrication
• Quiet turbine motor requires no external lubrication
• Left- or right-hand rotation available
• 4 inlet, 4 exhaust, and 16 housing orientations
• 30-150 psi (2.1-10.3 bars) operation
• Inertia and pre-engaged drives available
The ST799GCDP03R31 starter is piped for use with gas on a Waukesha F3521GU used for power generation.

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