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Số người đang online: 84

Tổng lượt truy cập: 1112601

Hydraulic Equipment


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ANCHOR LAMINA manufactures a durable, high-power Portable Hydraulic Drill. By combining power and portability in a single drill, this hydraulic drilling and tapping equipment effectively functions in a broad spectrum of applications. Because of its power and versatility, our portable heavy duty hydraulic equipment is used in many industry sectors including metal stamping, nuclear power, ship building, mining, construction, oil pipelines and oil rigging. The smallest drill can fi t in openings as narrow as 9¼". The largest drill can step drill up to 4" diameter holes. The hydraulic units are available with your choice of 3-phase voltage rating. High power and compact in design, hydraulic motors are also available in six sizes with different torques, ranging from 0–656in-lbs and speeds from 0–2255rpm.

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