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Số người đang online: 58

Tổng lượt truy cập: 1112516

Formathane Urethane


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The Formathane® product line of urethane bars, rods, sheets, springs, fi lm and strippers stands alone when compared to other urethane products offered in the market. Formathane® is formulated with the metalforming and fabricating user in mind to withstand the rigors of these diffi cult environments. Every day customers are putting it to the test and are fi nding double and triple life expectancies are more the norm than the exception with Formathane®. The higher than average performance is due to using premium grade urethane compounds, computer controlled production methods and stringent quality standards. Often used for springs, strippers, wear pads, vibration dampening, forming and part protection, Formathane® is offered in four durometers from 70 – 95A.

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