Hỗ trợ trực tuyến
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Số người đang online: 9

Tổng lượt truy cập: 1112452

Series 34, 54 and 74


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ARO’s Series 34, 54 and 74 models are highly flexible and extremely versatile, offering simple design innovations that put them ahead of other products in their class:
• An extensive selection of tapping heads, drill chucks, and collets that can be interchanged as applications demand.
• 20 spindle speeds for optimum performance, driven by an easy-to-access pulley system that can be changed quickly and easily to accommodate new diameters or materials.
• Compact size (24 inches) and modest weight (30 Ibs.) for flexibility in use and mounting, allowing a maximum number of simultaneous secondary operations.
• A simple, customer-driven design that includes fewer parts than competitive tools - with less-frequent, lower-cost maintenance.
• A central module for three remote control options - electronic (24V DC), electric (115V AC), and pneumatic allows for easier machine diagnostics.
• Manual controls for feed and retract that remain operational for setup while using remote controls.
• Standard frame motors with dual voltage capabilities (230/460V AC).

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