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Tổng lượt truy cập: 1112466

GE Vietnam

GE was one of the first American companies established in Vietnam in 1993, even before the U.S. embargo was lifted. GE first set up a representative office in Hanoi that year, and another subsequently in Ho Chi Minh City in 2001, working in partnership with local organizations. In 2003, GE established GE Vietnam Ltd., a 100% GE capital investment that offers a wide range of after-sales services for medical, electrical and energy equipment. Here and around the world, we’re building for the future – finding solutions to tough problems, investing in people and programs that help improve infrastructure and lives, and which make a difference in the communities we serve. GE Vietnam currently employs approximately 2000 people and offers products and services in Oil & Gas, Power, Renewable Energy, Energy Connections, Healthcare and Aviation sectors. In 2015, we have begun the alliance that brings Alstom Power and Grid into the GE family. In May 2016, GE acquired the Heat Recovery Steam Generator business of Doosan Engineering and Construction in Dung Quat, Quang Ngai. Today we are a more focused and vital industrial company, better able to provide for our customers’ power needs. It is a huge leap forward in GE’s evolution into a digital industrial company.